Managing Your Contacts

Managing Your Contacts

In this article we will explain how to manage the candidates in your contacts section. The contacts in your contact list are only available to you and is not shared publicly on the CazVid platform.

1. Adding contacts to your lists

When you create a contact, yourself you will have the option to add them to a list. You can also add contacts that you have already created to your lists. This is fairly straightforward and goes as following:

  1. Go to 'Contacts' and select the candidate you would like to add to your list.
  2. Scroll down on the left-hand side of the screen and go all the way to the bottom.
  3. Click the 'Lists' bar and select the list you want to add the candidate to.
  4. Your candidate has been added to your list.

2. Contact overview

When you navigate to the 'contacts' section you will first get to the contacts' overview and see all of your contacts in a quick overview. You can use the search bar to find the contact you need and review their details quickly. You can edit these details by going to the contact's detailed view.
In the contact overview you can view all of the contacts you have in your ATS
In the search bar at the top you can search for the contact you are looking for by using their name, phone number, or email address. 

Use the search bar to find contacts based on name, phone number, or email

On the left side of the contact, you will find the contact's registered name.

In this section you will find the contact's registered e-mail address.

Here, you'll find the contact's registered phone number.

Here you can see the contact's registered location.

If a contact has any CazVids uploaded, you will be able to find them here.

An overview of any interactions registered by type. More about interactions in the following section.

View and Delete
In this section you can click on the view icon to see the contact in a detailed view, or delete the contact with the delete icon

This indicated the date that the contact was created by you. This is not the date the contact signed up to CazVid. But the date it was registered in your contacts section.


3. Reviewing and editing contacts

Contact Information
On the left-hand side of the detailed contact view, you can review and edit all of the contact information. You can for example edit a phone number if their phone number changed.

In the middle of the detailed view, you will see all of the interactions registered. This is purely administrative but can be useful for future reference. You can also edit and delete these interactions by clicking on the ... icon on the top right of the interaction.

Some interactions will be logged automatically like:
  1. Candidate Applied
  2. Next steps added through the CazMeter
Other interactions are optional and can be registered by you. For example:
  1. Sent an e-mail inviting for an interview
  2. Invited for an interview, with details about the interview
  3. Sent a WhatsApp message as follow up
  4. Interview done, with a description of how it went

By navigating to the CazVid section you can see all of the CazVids and their details, you can navigate through the contact's CazVids by clicking on the arrows on the side.

For reviewing the contact's resumes, click on the 'resume' section on the top-right of the detailed contact overview. You can also upload additional written resumes and delete old ones if deemed necessary.

To review the contact's resumes, click on the eye icon next to the resume you want to view. This opens up a quick view of the resume for you.


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