With the CazVid lists, you can effectively manage your entire hiring process with ease and the help of generative AI. For each job post you create in CazVid, a list will also automatically be created with the job connected to the list until you reach your plan limit. Watch the video below to learn more about the functionalities of the CazVid lists.
2. How to access your lists
The video above already does show you how you can access your lists. To navigate to your created lists, simply go to the ATS and select the list of the job that you would like to manage. We suggest you use comprehensive names for your lists to easily keep track of them. Here's some tips:
Do not use very general names like "Candidates" or "Job Post" for your list but make it more specific like "Candidates Customer Service Agent Job May 2024" or "Applicants Welder Job July 2019". You can also use additional phrases to indicate active or inactive job listings, for example:
"Candidates Customer Service Agent Job May 2024 (Active)" or "Applicants Welder Job July 2019 (Filled)". Or to indicate where the candidates come from like: "APPS (short for applications) Candidates Customer Service Agent Job May 2024" or "SELECTION: Welder Job July 2019".
Here's some examples of good and bad list names:
Bad list names
Good list names
Candidates Customer Service Agent Job May 2024 (Active)
Job Post
Applicants Software Developer Position October 2023 (Filled)
New Role
Shortlisted Candidates - Graphic Designer Job June 2023
3. How to create a list?
Creating lists is fairly straightforward. Below is a short introduction included to creating your lists. For more information on creating lists please refer to: 'How to create lists in CazVid?'.
Through your ATS
You can create lists through your ATS by navigating to the ATS section and selecting 'Create Lists'. You will then be prompted to create a list.
To create a list through your ATS navigate to 'ATS' and select 'Create Lists'
Through My CazVids
To create a list through your CazVids start by selecting a job post you want to create a list, navigating to 'Job Applications' and selecting 'Create List'. This functionality is limited to 1 list per job post.
To create a job post through my CazVids, select a job post without a list, navigate to 'Job Applications' and select 'Create Lists'
4. Adding candidates to your list
Once you have created your list you can start adding candidates to your list. This can be done in multiple ways which we show you in the harmonica below:
Through the Quick-Apply
One way of getting candidates to your list is having them directly apply to your job using the quick-apply CazVid provides for your job. When using the quick-apply link provided by CazVid through your list, candidates that apply to your job using that quick apply link will automatically be added to your list after applying. Candidates will have to fill out a form with a motivation letter, a resume, or a CazVid video. For more information on the quick apply visit: 'Your Quick Apply'.
1. Access the quick apply through your list
If you have created a list and connected a job to it, you can easily access your quick apply through the list you have created.
Access your quick apply easily through your lists
2. Access the quick apply through your CazVids
If you have created a list for a CazVid but have no candidates in that list yet, you can copy your quick apply link by going to My Cazvids -> Job Applications.
Easily access your quick apply through your CazVids
Through the contacts section
Adding candidates to your list from the contacts section is straightforward. Follow the next steps to add contacts to your list:
Go to 'Contacts' and select the candidate you would like to add to your list.
Scroll down on the left-hand side of the screen and go all the way to the bottom.
Click the 'Lists' bar and select the list you want to add the candidate to.
Your candidate has been added to your list.
Through the 'search candidates' section
From the candidate's panel you can also add them to a list to load them into your hiring process and compare them to other candidates using the CazMeter.
Click on the green 'add to list' button on the right-hand side of the screen and select a list to add your candidate to the list. If you do not have experience with lists yet we encourage you to read 'The CazVid Lists'
Add a candidate to a list by pressing the green 'add to list' button on the right
Through your inbox
By clicking on the candidates' CazVids at the top of the page, you can easily review their details. You can add them to a list by clicking the green 'add to list' button on the bottom right.
The CazMeter is the most advanced, generative AI recruitment tool on the market to this day. You can use it to quickly go through 100s, 1,000s, or 10,000s of candidates and give you the best matches ready to go. Instead of spending hours or days on reviewing applications, you can do it in just minutes. By adding the candidates you want to review to a list and connecting the job to it you'll be able to access the CazMeter from the targeted list to review your selection of candidates in relation to a specific job you related to the list.
More information on the CazMeter in 'The CazMeter'
6.1. How to access the CazMeter
Accessing your CazMeter is easy. Simply access your ATS by clicking the 'ATS' button and select the list for which you want to use the CazMeter. Here's a video demonstration of how to access your CazMeter.
To access your CazMeter, go to ATS -> Your list of choice -> ✨
As you can see in the video. We go to our ATS, select the candidate list we want to review, and click on the ✨ icon at the top of the stage we want to review. For example, I have a customer service job, 2 people applied and I would like to review those 2 people with the CazMeter I will go to the list where I have saved the candidates and click the ✨ icon to review the candidates in that stage.
The CazVid lists allow for easy candidate management and the unlocking of more advanced features, like the CazMeter. After posting a job, a list will automatically be created for the job you just posted until you have reached the list limit of your ...
To contact candidates in CazVid you have 2 general options: 1. Through CazVid Generally speaking, there are two methods of speaking to candidates within CazVid. One requisite is that they have a CazVid account. If the candidate is not yet registered ...
Introduction Here's the various ways to add contacts to your CazVid ATS. 1. Uploading Resumes CazVid's 'Upload Resume' feature allows you to upload candidates that you already might have stored in your own database (like your computer, google drive, ...
Introduction Thank you for choosing CazVid, the world's most advanced generative AI-powered recruiting platform. In this article we explore how you can successfully use CazVid. This article is specifically geared towards hiring managers. If you are a ...
Platform: Desktop Release Date: 04-Jan-2025 12:30 Tech Release Title: CazVid ATS 5.3.4 Overview The latest release, CazVid ATS 5.3.4, focuses on enhancing user experience and monetization. This version introduces a better overview of the subscription ...